Performance of different tomato genotypes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) for growth, yield and quality traits under Allahabad condition

The investigation was carried out to study the performance of different tomato genotypes for growth, yield & quality traits under open conditions on Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology &Sciences, Allahabad during Rabi Season of 2015-16. Twenty diverse genotypes of tomato collected from different sources and all the genotype are grown with three replications in 4 m2 plot, and the plant keeping 60 x 45 cm maintained between Row and Plant distance. They were evaluated for growth yield &quality attribute for all the traits. On the basis of overall findings of the present research study it was concluded that there is wide range of variation in tomato traits for all the characters studied. The genotypes Arka Abha (165.66cm) is highest the plant height, days to first flower open (29.15) and Flower/ cluster (9.66), lycopene (4.23mg/100gm), Shelf Life (5.66 Days) in Kashi Sharad. The highest fruit set/cluster (5.33), No of fruits/ plant (87.50), Fruit Index (1.43), TSS (7.610Brix) in Pusa Cherry, and the average fruit weight (84.50gm), fruit yield/ plant (4kg) in Genotypes Kashi Aman. TLCV incidence % recorded minimum in the genotypes H-88-78-1 (10.55), Kashi Vishesh showed the minimum severity % of 13.88. The assessment of variation guides the breeder to select superior parents to initiate an effective and fruitful crossing programme to improve the genotypes.
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