Востоковедение на Юридическом факультете Харбина (1920-1937 гг. )

This article is about the training of orientalists in oriental-economical department of Faculty of Law (1920-1937) existing in Harbin (North Manchuria). Faculty of Law get the high standard of knowledge and was very popular amongst young people of Harbin. In 1920lh the quantity of its students exceeded 800. In program of oriental-economical department the oriental disciplines (Tlistory, culture, legislation, linguistics of countries of East Asia) had 37% of educational time. The teachers of Harbin's Faculty of Law were V.A. Ryazanovski, V.V. Engelf eld, I.G. Baranov, E.M. Chepurkovski, V.I. Sunn, N.A. Setnitski, G.G. Avenarius, K.V. Uspenski, S.N. Usov etc -competent specialists and talented scientists. Analysis of them creative works showed the Faculty of Law had been the oriental research center about the problems legislation, history, culture, and politic of China, history and theory of legislation of Mongol tribes, elaboration the new methods of learning oriental languages.
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