Attempted validation of ICRP 30 and ICRP 66 respiratory models

: The validation of human biological models for inhaled radionuclides is nearly impossible. Requirements for validation are: (1) the measurement of the relevant human tissue data and (2) valid exposure measurements over the interval known to apply to tissue uptake. Two lung models, ICRP 30(1) and ICRP 66(2), are widely used to estimate lung doses following acute occupational or environmental exposure. Both ICRP 30 and 66 lung models are structured to estimate acute rather than chronic exposure. Two sets of human tissue measurements are available: (210)Po accumulated in tissue from inhaled cigarettes and ingested in diet and airborne global fallout (239,240)Pu accumulated in the lungs from inhalation. The human tissue measurements include pulmonary and bronchial tissue in smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers analysed radiochemically for (210)Po, and pulmonary, bronchial and lymph nodes analysed for (239,240)Pu in lung tissue collected by the New York City Medical Examiner from 1972 to 1974. Both ICRP 30 and 66 models were included in a programme to accommodate chronic uptake. Neither lung model accurately described the estimated tissue concentrations but was within a factor of 2 from measurements. ICRP 66 was the exception and consistently overestimated the bronchial concentrations probably because of its assumption of an overly long 23-d clearance half-time in the bronchi and bronchioles.
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