A biopsychosocial approach to improving quality of life in tardive dystonia.

Tardive dystonia is a potential side effect of antipsychotic medications and certain other dopamine antagonists. It is characterized by sustained muscle contractions that lead to abnormal postures and movements. It is generally a permanent side effect that has a significant impact on a patient's physical, psychological, and social well-being, decreasing overall quality of life. The authors present the case of a patient with severe tardive dystonia due to metoclopramide that illustrates the profound physical, psychological, and social impact of this condition. It is important for clinicians to be knowledgeable about tardive dystonia so that they can take active steps to prevent its development and have a positive impact on its prognosis when it does develop by recognizing the condition early. Treatment of tardive dystonia should follow a biopsychosocial approach that combines an array of treatment modalities, depending on the individual presentation. Incorporating a quality of life questionnaire specific to dystonia into clinical practice can help clinicians tailor care to the needs of the individual patient.
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