Home-made continuous positive airway pressure dispositives at management of severe respiratory failure due to SARS-COV-2: A cohort study

Objective Improve knowledge about a “home-made” CPAP system used during first COVID-19 outbreak and its effect on oxygenation and mortality Materials and methods Cohort study developed in a university hospital of 400 beds All included patients had respiratory failure due to SARS-CoV-2 infection 64 of them used a home-made CPAP system and 64 patients used a conventional high-concentration oxygen mask The home-made CPAP system consists of an antistatic reservoir bag that receives oxygen at a flow of 15 litters per minute connected to an oronasal mask and to a PEEP valve Mortality, respiratory support failure (death or change to IVM), and SpO2/FiO2 evolution were analyzed according to the type of respiratory support used An analysis was carried out using regression methods and later a statistical adjustment taking into account the main differences between both groups Results Mortality was of 46 9% at the high-concentration oxygen mask group and 56 3% at the “home-made” CPAP system group (Adjusted OR 1 45, p= 0 573) Respiratory support failure was of 67 2% y 54 7% respectively (Adjusted OR 0 53, p= 0 329) SpO2/FiO2 evolution didn´t show a significative difference between both groups at adjusted analysis (-4, p= 0 876) Conclusions The “home-made” CPAP system didn't show a negative impact on mortality, so it could be safe to consider its use Even so, the “home-made” CPAP system didn´t show a positive impact on oxygenation or clinical evolution, so its use cannot be recommended
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