Vermeidung von Simulator Sickness anhand eines Trainings zur Gewöhnung an die Fahrsimulation

In the Wuerzburg driving simulator we investigated whether it is possible or not to eliminate or even prevent simulator sickness by administering a specific driving training. At first, several driving manoeuvres critical for nausea were chosen by an expert rating. At least after the driving training these situations (e.g. hard braking) should not elicit simulator sickness (any more). In our study the manoeuvres were embedded in an extensive training concept that all test drivers (N = 108) had to attend. The aim of the concept is to lead the drivers slowly from easy to more and more critical driving manoeuvres until adaptation is attained and sickness symptoms do not occur any more. In addition, the length of simulator exposure was increased gradually. The training results were analysed with reference to age, gender, general symptom frequency and condition of the driver and compared to previous findings from literature about the elimination of simulator sickness. Nearly all test drivers who participated in our study showed no symptoms after the simulator training and also stayed symptom free in subsequent trials. Hence, the training concept with critical manoeuvres was demonstrated to be very successful.
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