[Evaluation of knowledge and health attitude towards cigarette smoking, alcohol and drugs use among students].

: Cigarette smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use are important epidemiological problems affecting state of health. Negative effects of these unhealthy behaviors are commonly known and result in many socioeconomic consequences. Despite relatively good knowledge about harm-fullness of cigarette smoking a percentage of smokers in polish population is still high, especially in young population, and hesitates between 20-30% depending on age, sex and socioeconomic conditions. Negative health attitude towards smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use among young people requires further education and promotion in this area. Aim of the study was evaluation of knowledge about harmful effects of smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use among students of Silesian University of Technology and evaluation of health attitudes towards smoking, drinking alcohol and drug abuse in examined population. 109 students of Silesian University of Technology at age between 19-24 years took part in the study and filled the anonymous questionnaire prepared by authors. The study revealed that 8% of Silesian University of Technology students smoke cigarettes regularly. 15% of students declare smoking occasionally despite most of them know negative effects of such smoking. Almost 80% do not smoke at all. In opinion of 66,7% passive model of smoking is as harmful as the active one. Relatively many (8%) of examined students admit drinking alcohol regularly. Only 15% do not drink alcohol. 35% of students declare taking a drug, at least once during entire life, and some of examined consider marihuana as not addictive. High knowledge about harmful effects of smoking among students results in a relatively low percentage of inveterate smokers. Despite knowledge about harmfulness of drinking alcohol and drug abuse proper healthy behaviors in this area are not put into practice in examined motion in order to reduce unhealthy behaviors among young people.
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