Research Article In-vitro Comparative Study of Anthelmintic Activity of Mukia maderaspatana and Sida cordata

Mukia maderaspatana, a leafy vegetable is reported to possess antihyperglycemic, anthelmintic, antihypertensive, vasodialatory, antihyperlipidemic, hepatoprotective and many other activities. Sida cordata is given in dysentery, dysuria and some cases of helmintic diseases. The present research work is an attempt to highlight the current clinical and experimental evidences available in literature on the extent of its potentials to protect against parasite infections. The aqueous and ethanolic extracts of both the plants were tested here for their anthelmintic activity on the common Indian earthworm, Pheretima posthuma. Various concentrations of the extracts (2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50 mg/ml) respectively were screened for their anthelmintic activity using the standard drug Albendazole. The parameters estimated here were the paralysis time and the death time. When the doses of the extract are increased, a gradual increase in the anthelmintic activity is observed. The aqueous extracts of both the plants showed good activity when compared to that of ethanolic extracts. The highest action was obtained for the aqueous extract of Sida cordata. In conclusion, it was confirmed that the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of both Mukia maderaspatana and Sida cordata showed prominent anthelmintic activity.
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