Evaluation of the GRMA / PRIME Self-Directed Learning Client Provider Interaction and Adolescent Reproductive Health Initiative.

In December 1999 PRIME evaluated the Ghana Registered Midwives Associations Adolescent Reproductive Health/Client Provider Interaction (CPI) Self-Directed Learning (SDL) initiative. The pilot program consisted of a 5-month course combining multiple learning approaches for knowledge and skill acquisition including print modules; paired learning; facilitator visits; and group peer review. The goal of this project was to demonstrate that SDL could improve the quality of and access to reproductive health/family planning services for adolescents by improving midwives CPI skills. The follow-up and the evaluation study addressed several questions with regards to program implementation and results. Implementation evaluation assessed activities and processes factors related to program success or failure while results evaluation focused on how well the SDL initiative met its objectives. Overall the results assessment found significant differences between the learner and non-learner groups in several important skill areas. Finally the study concluded that the SDL program learners performed better on critical CPI skills and offered improved or more specialized services for adolescents than those who had not participated.
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