Holographic Chiral Algebra: Supersymmetry, Infinite Ward Identities, and Shadows

Celestial holography promisingly reformulates the scattering amplitude holographically in terms of celestial conformal field theory living at null infinity. Recently, an infinite-dimensional symmetry algebra was discovered in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory. The starting point in the derivation is the celestial OPE of two soft currents, and the key ingredient is the summation of $\overline{SL(2,\mathbb R)}$ descendants in OPE. In this paper, we consider the supersymmetric Einstein-Yang-Mills theory and obtain the supersymmetric extension of the holographic symmetry algebra. Furthermore, we derive infinitely many Ward identities associated with the infinite soft currents which generate the holographic symmetry algebra. This is realized by considering the OPE between a soft symmetry current and a hard operator, and then summing over its $\overline{SL(2,\mathbb R)}$ descendants. These Ward identities reproduce the known Ward identities corresponding to leading, sub-leading, and sub-sub-leading soft graviton theorem as well as the leading and sub-leading soft gluon theorem. By performing shadow transformations, we also obtain infinitely many shadow Ward identities, including the stress tensor Ward identities for sub-leading soft graviton. Finally, we use our procedure to discuss the corrections to Ward identities in effective field theory, and reproduce the corrections to soft theorems at sub-sub-leading order for graviton and sub-leading order for photon. For this aim, we derive a general formula for leading celestial OPE arising from cubic interactions of three spinning massless particles. Our formalism thus provides a unified framework for understanding the Ward identities in celestial conformal field theory, or equivalently the soft theorems in scattering amplitude.
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