SDM-100 CİHAZINDA YARIM SAATLİK MODA DAYANARAK ERİTROSİT SEDİMENTASYON HIZI SONUCU RAPOR ETMEK GÜVENLİ MİDİR? Is It Reliable To Report Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Result By Depending On Half-Hour Mode In SDM-100 Device?

OZET Amac: Bu calismanin amaci SDM-100 cihazinda yarim saatlik moda bagli olarak eritrosit sedimantasyon hizi (ESR) sonucunu rapor etmenin guvenilir olup olmadigini tespit etmektir. Gerec ve Yontemler: 111 ESR sonucu, yarim saatlik modda calisan SDM-100 cihazindan elde edildi. Daha sonra, bir saatlik ESR degerleri, manuel Westergren yontemini kullanan BD Seditainer standi ile olculdu. Iki yontemin sonuclari arasindaki uyumu degerlendirmek icin Spearman korelasyon analizi, lineer regresyon analizi, Wilcoxon testi, Bland-Altman grafigi ve Deming regresyon analizi yapildi. Bulgular: Iki yontemin sonuclari arasinda genel olarak bir tutarlilik soz konusuydu; ancak yuksek ESR degerleri icin zayif bir uyumun varligi da tespit edildi. Sonuc: Yarim saatlik ESR olcumune dayali olarak 1 saatlik ESR sonucunun rapor edilmesi, ozellikle yuksek ESR degerlerinde, guvenilirlik acisindan bir problem teskil edebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Eritrosit sedimentasyon hizi; Yarim saatlik mod; SDM-100 ABSTRACT Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine whether it is reliable to report erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) result by depending on half-hour mode in SDM-100 device. Material and Methods: 111 ESR results were obtained from SDM-100 over half-hour mode. Then, one-hour ESR values were measured by BD Seditainer stand with manual Westergren method. Spearman correlation analysis, linear regression analysis, Wilcoxon test, Bland-Altman graph, and Deming regression analysis were performed in order to evaluate the compatibility between the results of two methods. Results: There was roughly a consistency between the results of two methods. On the other hand, our study also showed the presence of a poor agreement for high ESR values. Conclusion: The reporting of the one-hour ESR result depending on a half hour ESR measurement may be a problem for reliability, especially at high ESR values. Keywords: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate; Half-hour mode; SDM-100
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