Depth‐domain velocity analysis in VTI media using surface P-wave data: Is it feasible?

The main difficulties in anisotropic velocity analysis and inversion using surface seismic data are associated with the multiparameter nature of the problem and inherent trade‐offs between the model parameters. For the most common anisotropic model, transverse isotropy with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI media), P-wave kinematic signatures are controlled by the vertical velocity V0 and the anisotropic parameters e and δ. However, only two combinations of these parameters—NMO velocity from a horizontal reflector Vnmo(0) and the anellipticity coefficient η—can be determined from P-wave reflection traveltimes if the medium above the reflector is laterally homogeneous. While Vnmo(0) and η are sufficient for time‐domain imaging in VTI media, they cannot be used to resolve the vertical velocity and build velocity models needed for depth migration. Here, we demonstrate that P-wave reflection data can be inverted for all three relevant VTI parameters (V0, e and δ) if the model contains nonhorizontal intermediate i...
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