Some haematological parameters of symptomatic and asymptomatic Hepatitis B positive patients attending a Nigerian tertiary hospital.

Hepatitis B virus is a deadly viral infection that kills slowly if not treated and could be the underlying cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Some Hepatitis B positive patients may present with symptoms while some others maybe asymptomatic hence, the need to assess their haematological indices. Twenty-five Hepatitis B positive patients (male and female) attending Madonna University Teaching Hospital (MUTH) Elele Nigeria were used as subjects while another twenty five Hepatitis B negative apparently healthy individuals (males and females) served as controls. The positive patients were further divided into symptomatic and non-symptomatic groups. Verbal consent was obtained prior to sample collection. The samples were analyzed using standard manual methods. The research was approved by Madonna University Ethical Committee (MUEC). There was Original Research Article Ajugwo et al.; BJMMR, 7(3): 219-223, 2015; Article no.BJMMR.2015.326 220 significant (p 0.05) difference in all the parameters. Hepatitis B positive patients could be at risk of developing anaemia. Management and treatment could be better handled before the onset of symptoms associated with Hepatitis B infection.
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