Sleep pattern and spectral analysis of caregiver-mothers of sons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and an examination of differences between carriers and non-carriers

Abstract Objectives Sleep is essential for physical and mental well-being. However, poor sleep is a common complaint among caregivers. The aim of the present study was to determine sleep patterns of caregiver-mothers (CM group) of sons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and also to examine the differences between non-carriers and carriers of the gene related to DMD within the CM group. Methods Observational case–control study. Participants The CM and control (CTRL) groups were matched for age, body mass index and social class. Polysomnography was conducted in a sleep laboratory for one night. The discrete fast Fourier transformation method was used to calculate the electroencephalogram (EEG) power spectrum for the entire night and sleep stages. Results The CM group presented higher sleep latency and N3 sleep stage compared with the CTRL. When carrier and non-carrier CM subgroups were analyzed, increased sleep latency and time awake, as well as reduced sleep efficiency and N2, were observed in the carrier group. Regarding respiratory parameters, carriers demonstrated higher hypopnea index values compared with non-carriers. Spectral analysis showed that carriers compared with non-carrier DMD caregiver-mothers presented lower spectral power in fast waves, mainly beta, during REM sleep in some EEG derivations. Conclusions There was an impairment of sleep pattern in the CM group compared with CTRL mothers; this was possibly associated with difficulty in initiating sleep. Being a DMD gene carrying caregiver further compromised some aspects of sleep microstructure during REM sleep. The data demonstrated the importance of sleep evaluation in caregiver-mothers, and the relationship between sleep and being a carrier of the gene associated with DMD, which was demonstrated as possibly impacting sleep quality.
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