Opinião de cirurgiões dentistas sobre atividades de preceptoria na formação de estudantes de Odontologia de uma universidade brasileira

This study aimed to know the opinion of dentists on the preceptorship activities performed in the dental curricular internships 1, 2 and 3 of Federal University of Pernambuco, carried out in units of basic attention to health in the city of Recife. Descriptive study and quantitative approach were carried out. From a universe of 36 dentists, were included those with at least one year of experience as preceptor. For the collection of data used A semi-structured interview, subjected to face validation and applied face to face, was used for data collection. All 26 preceptors who obeyed the inclusion criterion were interviewed, being 80.8% women; 92.3% with effective work link; 96.2% graduate, being 80.2% of them family health specialists. Only 15.4% received incentives for preceptorship, but they were not satisfied; 11.2% received training in preceptorship; 92.3% were trained to exercise it; 69.2% acted in the three types of internships. It prevailed (76.3%) the preference for acting in Stage 3 (clinical) than in the two others (nonclinical). According to 65.3% of the interviewed, physical and organizational structure to exercise the preceptorship is bad, 69.2% evaluated the institutional support of the service as unsatisfactory and 57.7% of the university, despite the efforts of training institution in promoting permanent education and presence in services. The most cited positive points were the exchange of knowing with the students and faculty, and the importance of integrating the student into the unique health system. It is concluded that although they value the governess, they have prevailed dissatisfactions of labor order, working conditions and training that need to be addressed.
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