Experimental and Modeling Studies of Permanent Strains of Subgrade Soils

Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide for flexible pavements as per the AASHTO design guide requires characterization of subgrade soils using the resilient modulus (M\DR\N) property. This property, however, does not fully account for the plastic or permanent strain or rutting of subgrade soils, which often distress the overlying pavements. Soils such as silts exhibit moderate to high resilient moduli properties but they still undergo large permanent deformations under repeated loading. This explains the fallacy in the current pavement material characterization practice. A comprehensive research study was performed to measure permanent deformation properties of subgrade soils by subjecting various soils under repeated cycles of deviatoric loads. This paper describes test procedure followed and results obtained on three soils including clay, silt, and sandy soils. The influence of compaction moisture content, confining pressure, and deviatoric stresses applied on the measured permanent deformations of all three soils are addressed. A four-parameter permanent strain model formulation as a function of stress states in soils and the number of loading cycles was used to model and analyze the present test results. The model constants of all three soils were first determined and these results were used to explain the effects of various soil properties on permanent deformations of soils. Validation studies were performed to address the adequacy of the formulated model to predict rutting or permanent strains in soils.
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