OZET: Bu calismada, keman calma sirasinda temel yay suruslerinde aktif olarak kullanilan el bilegi ve dirsek eklemlerinin acisal degisikliklerinin, digital fotogrametrik yontemler kullanilarak olculmesi amaclanmistir. Bu arastirma 9 kemanci uzerinde yapilmistir. Fotogrametrik degerlendirmede Pictran yazilimi kullanilmistir. Keman calmada aktif olarak kullanilan sag ust ekstremiteye ait el bilegi ve dirsek eklemleri, kalibre edilmis bir test alani uzerinde metrik olmayan kameralarla goruntulenerek bilgisayar ortamina aktarilmistir. Goruntude kullanilan isaretleyicilerin degerlendirilmesi sonucunda eklemlerin hareket acilari ve ayni zamanda ust ekstremite kemiklerinden humerus, ulna ve 5. metakarp kemikleri baz alinarak kol, onkol ve elin dusey egimleri ortaya cikartilmistir. Eklem hareketlerindeki acisal degisikliklerin uc boyutlu (3B) rekonstruksiyonu yapilarak, elde edilen sonuclar karsilastirmali olarak sunulmustur. Acisal ve egimlerdeki degisikliklerdeki standart sapmalara bakildiginda acisal degisikliklerin kisilere gore fazla degismedigi ancak egimlerde kisisel farkliliklarin fazla oldugu gozlemlenmistir. Calma tekniklerinde cok fazla kisisel farkliliklarin olmasi, dogru teknigin ogretilmesinin onemini vurgulamaktadir. Calma esnasinda aktif olarak calisan bu eklemlerin daha etkili ve bilincli kullanilmasi ile ilerde olusabilecek meslek problemlerine onlem olmasi yaninda bir anlamda acisal standardizasyonun gelistirilmesi de saglanmis olacaktir. ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to measure, using digital photogrammetric methods, the angular changes in the wrist and elbow joints which are active in basic bow drives while playing the violin. This study consists of nine violin players. The Pictran software was used in the photogrammetric restitution. The wrist and elbow joints of the right upper extremity were filmed on a calibrated test field by using ametric cameras and then transferred to the computer environment. As a result of the evaluation of the markers in image, the movement angles of the joints as well as ulna and the fifth metacarpal bones were taken as the basis, and thus, the vertical inclination of the arm, forearm and hand were found out. The angular changes in the joint movements were reconstructed in 3D, and the results obtained were compared. When the standart deviations of the angular changes and inclinations are considered, it is possible to say that the angular changes do not vary much depending on the individuals, but, as for inclination, individual difference vary significantly. The fact that individual differences vary much in the playing techniques shows that to teach proper technique is so significant. When these active joints are used effectively and properly while playing, it will also help to eliminate possible problems in the future. In addition, it will, in a sense, provide angular standardisation.
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