Actuación ante exposición laboral a Tos ferina en Hospital Terciario de la Comunidad de Madrid: a propósito de un caso

Objectives: To know the procedure of the performance in a workplace exposure to Pertussis. Material and Methods: Workplace exposure of medical staff, with a kidney-transplant patient and inmunosupressive who is admitted in an emergency terciary hospital of Madrid Community, who was diagnosed of Pertussis. Notification to the Laboral Risk Preventive Department (LRPD) and detection of all the departments where the patient remains admitted, for the subsequent tracing of the personal that was exposed from the LRPD. Results: 43 workers attended, 39 of them received prophylaxis, it was started treatment with Clarithromycin until was available Azithromycin for being ease of adherence. It was recommended Tetanus Toxoid and reduced Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular Pertussis vaccines adsorbed (Tdap) to all the exposures. Conclusions: Actual epidemiological situation of Pertussis in Spain, force us having each day to have current performance in a workplace exposure to Pertussis and the requirement of incorporate new vaccination strategies.
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