Pharmacognostical and phytochemical studies on dyer's oleander mistletoe, Viscum orientale Willd.

Viscum orientale Willd. (Family-Viscaceae) is a large hemi-parasitic, much branched shrubs with opposite and oblanceolate leaves. Flowers are produced in dichasial cymose traid clusters developing into ovoid to sub-globose berry. The plant is claimed to have medicinal applications mainly in neuralgia, diabetes and in the treatment of itch. Systematic pharmacognostical evaluation of aerial parts of the plant has been carried out with focus on its macroscopy, microscopy, physicochemical and phytochemical characterization. Macroscopical and microscopical features of the mistletoe have been documented. Preliminary phytochemical investigations indicated presence of carbohydrate, flavonoid, steroids, triterpenoids and tannins. HPTLC fingerprint profile was developed for identification of the extract using reference standard. These parameters can be utilized for quick identification of the drug and are useful in establishing the identity of this mistletoe as whole or even in the form of powder.
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