Decay properties of {sup 265}Sg(Z=106) and {sup 266}Sg(Z=106)

The presently known most neutron-rich isotopes of element 106 (seaborgium, Sg), {sup 265}Sg and {sup 266}Sg, were produced in the fusion reaction {sup 22}Ne+{sup 248}Cm at beam energies of 121 and 123 MeV. Using the On-Line Gas chemistry Apparatus OLGA, a continuous separation of Sg was achieved within a few seconds. Final products were assayed by {alpha}-particle and spontaneous fission (SF) spectrometry. {sup 265}Sg and {sup 266}Sg were identified by observing time correlated {alpha}-{alpha}-({alpha}) and {alpha}-SF decay chains. A total of 13 correlated decay chains of {sup 265}Sg (with an estimated number of 2.8 random correlations) and 3 decay chains of {sup 266}Sg (0.6 random correlations) were identified. Deduced decay properties were T{sub 1/2}=7.4{sub {minus}2.7}{sup +3.3} s (68{percent} c.i.) and E{sub {alpha}}=8.69 MeV (8{percent}), 8.76 MeV (23{percent}), 8.84 MeV (46{percent}), and 8.94 MeV (23{percent}) for {sup 265}Sg; and T{sub 1/2}=21{sub {minus}12}{sup +20} s (68{percent} c.i.) and E{sub {alpha}}=8.52 MeV (33{percent}) and 8.77 MeV (66{percent}) for {sup 266}Sg. The resolution of the detectors was between 50{endash}100 keV (full width at half maximum). Upper limits for SF of {le}35{percent} and {le}82{percent} were established for {sup 265}Sg and {sup 266}Sg, respectively. The upper limits for SF are given with a 16{percent} error probability.more » Using the lower error limits of the half-lives of {sup 265}Sg and {sup 266}Sg, the resulting lower limits for the partial SF half-lives are T{sub 1/2}{sup SF}({sup 265}Sg){ge}13 s and T{sub 1/2}{sup SF}({sup 266}Sg){ge}11 s. Correspondingly, the partial {alpha}-decay half-lives are between T{sub 1/2}{sup {alpha}}({sup 265}Sg)=4.7{endash}16.5 s (68{percent} c.i.) and T{sub 1/2}{sup {alpha}}({sup 266}Sg)=9{endash}228 s (68{percent} c.i.), using the upper and lower error limits of the half-lives of {sup 265}Sg and {sup 266}Sg. The lower limit on the partial SF half-life of {sup 266}Sg is in good agreement with theoretical predictions. Production cross sections of about 240 pb and 25 pb for the {alpha}-decay branch in {sup 265}Sg and {sup 266}Sg were estimated, respectively. {copyright} {ital 1998} {ital The American Physical Society}« less
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