Optimization of spatial scale, but not functional shape, affects the performance of habitat suitability models: a case study of tigers (Panthera tigris) in Thailand

Species habitat suitability models rarely incorporate multiple spatial scales or functional shapes of a species’ response to covariates. Optimizing models for these factors may produce more robust, reliable, and informative habitat suitability models, which can be beneficial for the conservation of rare and endangered species, such as tigers (Panthera tigris). We provide the first formal assessment of the relative impacts of scale-optimization and shape-optimization on model performance and habitat suitability predictions. We explored how optimization influences conclusions regarding habitat selection and mapped probability of occurrence. We collated environmental variables expected to affect tiger occurrence, calculating focal statistics and landscape metrics at spatial scales ranging from 250 m to 16 km. We then constructed a set of presence–absence generalized linear models including: (1) single-scale optimized models (SSO); (2) a multi-scale optimized model (MSO); (3) single-scale shape-optimized models (SSSO) and (4) a multi-scale- and shape-optimized model (MSSO). We compared performance and resulting prediction maps for top performing models. The SSO (16 km), SSSO (16 km), MSO, and MSSO models performed equally well (AUC > 0.9). However, these differed substantially in prediction and mapped habitat suitability, leading to different ecological understanding and potentially divergent conservation recommendations. Habitat selection was highly scale-dependent and the strongest relationships with environmental variables were at the broadest scales analysed. Modelling approach had a substantial influence in variable importance among top models. Our results suggest that optimization of the scale of resource selection is crucial in modelling tiger habitat selection. However, in this analysis, shape-optimization did not improve model performance.
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