Assessment of Lung Tumour Motion and Volume Size Dependencies Using Various Evaluation Measures

The purpose of the study was to assess internal target volume changes through the breathing cycle and associated tumour motion for lung patients and to establish possible correlations between different parameters. Respiration-induced volume changes with breathing cycle and the associated tumour motion were analyzed for 11 patients. Selected phases were the maximum and average intensity projections and the 10 phases of equal duration and separation obtained through the respiratory cycle. Tumour centre of mass (COM) motion planes were generated using least square fitting, and their angles and orientations were then compared between the cases studied. Trajectories that are composed by the points of COM location in different phases were identified, and their interrelation was assessed through different similarity measures. The results were used to determine if there is any correlation between parameters chosen and if the margins conventionally used for the planning target volume creation successfully encompassed lung tumour motion and volume change. The results show that the extent of tumour motion was related to its volume and location. The tumour displacement was predominantly left and inferior. Planar fitting to COM motion data through respiratory phases demonstrated some correlation in best fit motion plane positions between different data sets. In the plane fit comparison, for each patient, the lower root mean square error values showed that a good planar fit can be achieved for the COM motion path. The evaluation of the inhale and exhale trajectories may allow, for certain tumour locations and size, contouring on only inhalation or exhalation phases, knowing that tumour motion will be adequately covered on the other phases. Taking all the data into account and knowing the tumour size and location, a good estimate can be made of the motion plane position in the three-dimensional space and the required dosimetric margins.
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