Diseño de un modelo de datos espacial de movimientos de ladera

In this work we present a design for a landslide geodatabase from which different analysis of these phenomenon using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can be made. To this objective we start from different data layers such as landslide inventory with several attribute fields: identity, typology, activity, development degree and geometric fields. Other related coverages included in the GIS are Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and its by-products (slope, aspect, curvature), thematic information (geology, vegetation, main rainfalls), affected infrastructures and urbanised zones. From all this information we firstly design a conceptual model and subsequently we implement a geodatabase in UML (Unified Modelling Language) which allows formalizing this model without ambiguities and defining the different feature classes and relationships between them. This model will allow landslide analysis, and from it, more complex models and GIS application can be developed. Finally, the geodatabase building in ArcGIS make possible to become a data model in Esri Catalogs (ArcGis data models), for its use and development by researchers in this topic.
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