[Strategy and tactics of radiation protection of the personnel in light of future work on stabilization and reorganization of the "Shelter" compound into radiologically safe system].

: The research aim is to analyze the "Shelter" personnel work conditions and to estimate how these conditions specify radiological defense. "Shelter" object remains to be an accumulation of the open radiotoxic materials. It is expected that the usage of standard technologies in such conditions will be connected with the great dose-expense of external and internal irradiation. The significant quantity of the fuel dust (more 30 tonne according to uranium) and the extremely harmful microclimate conditions such as: aggressive radiochemical aerosols, exclusively artificial and obviously insufficient illumination, high humidity, discomfortable temperature regime, high ability of many working places to induce the emotional stress reaction in personnel are the specificity of "Shelter" object. The synergetic influence of radiofactor and "Shelter" object microclimate is very dangerous because of its ability to deteriorate significantly the personnel health up to acute stress reaction. In these cases there appear the episodes of the short disorders of orientation in the surrounding situation, paroxysmal consciousness disturbances which may become the nondirect reason of the overirradiation and growth of work traumatism. That's why the methods of the stress-reaction prophylaxis and improvement of the individual defense become extremely improvement for the "Shelter" object personnel. It was shown that the following medicines are perspective due to their adaptogenic and radioprotective abilities, such as: alpha-2-recombinant interferon, antiinflammatory, steroid, antioxidant and enterosorbtive preparations of biological nature.
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