Retrieval of Moisture from Simulated GPS Slant-Path Water Vapor Observations Using 3DVAR with Anisotropic Recursive Filters

Abstract Anisotropic recursive filters are implemented within a three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) framework to efficiently model the effect of flow-dependent background error covariance. The background error covariance is based on an estimated error field and on the idea of Riishojgaard. In the anisotropic case, the background error pattern can be stretched or flattened in directions oblique to the alignment of the grid coordinates and is constructed by applying, at each point, six recursive filters along six directions corresponding, in general, to a special configuration of oblique lines of the grid. The recursive filters are much more efficient than corresponding explicit filters used in an earlier study and are therefore more suitable for real-time numerical weather prediction. A set of analysis experiments are conducted at a mesoscale resolution to examine the effectiveness of the 3DVAR system in analyzing simulated global positioning system (GPS) slant-path water vapor observat...
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