A method of inspecting a mask or reticle for detecting a defect and mask or Retikeluntersuchungssystem

A method of inspecting a mask or reticle, the mask or reticle is provided with a transmitting on a semiconductor wafer to pattern has a defect, comprising the steps of: - generating a plurality of logical zones and uniquely associating each of the logical zones to a region of the surface of the pattern; - assigning an investigation rule that represents a characteristic sensitivity for detecting a defect of each of the logical zones; - recording an image of the pattern to form a recorded image; - comparing the recorded image with a reference image of an ideal pattern for locating a defect in the pattern; - identifying one of the logical zones to the found at the step of locating defect; - retrieving the investigation rule that is associated with the identified logical zone; - Apply the examination rule on a characteristic of the defect to determine whether the defect to be repaired; and - outputting a signal in response to the determination.
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