Emergency Endovascular Balloon Embolization of an Active Oral Bleeder-A Case Report

Profuse oral bleeding can result from trauma, aneurysm rupture, or tonsillectomy and needs prompt care. It can be treated with endovascular embolization or surgical ligation if an active bleeder can be identified. We used a detachable balloon for embolization in a 58-year-old woman with recurrent tonsillar carcinoma. The bleeder was shallow and active with an obscure origin, which made it difficult to cannulate using a steerable micro-guidewire and micro-catheter set. We preferred a detachable balloon rather than coils in this case in light of the short distance between the bleeder and the carotid bulb. A post embolization angiogram showed complete occlusion of the bleeder and preservation of the superior thyroid artery with immediate effect. We believe that a detachable balloon is a feasible alternative or complementary method to coil embolization or surgery under certain circumstances, especially in an emergency.
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