Respiratory Colonization and Short-Term Temporal Changes in the Urinary Metabolome of Children

The human metabolome may vary based on age, over time, and in the presence of viral carriage and bacterial colonization-a common scenario in children. We used nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to identify and quantify urinary metabolites of children without signs or symptoms of respiratory illness. A urine sample and two nasopharyngeal swabs were collected to test for respiratory viral pathogens and colonization by Streptococcus pneumoniae (Sp). Urine samples were collected at the initial visit, 24 h post-enrollment, and 10-14 days post-enrollment. Of the 122 children enrolled, 24% had a virus detected and 19.7% had Sp detected. Intraclass correlation coefficients demonstrated greater within-subject versus between-subject variability for all metabolites detected. In linear mixed models adjusted for age, time, history of asthma, Sp, and viruses, 1-methylnicotinamide was increased by 50% in children with Sp and decreased by 35% in children with rhinovirus/enterovirus. Children with Sp had 83% higher levels of trimethylamine-N-oxide compared with those without Sp. However, when adjusting for multiple comparisons, the association was no longer statistically significant. In conclusion, there appear to be short-term changes within the urinary metabolome of healthy children, but levels of metabolites did not statistically differ in children with viral carriage or Sp detected.
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