Менеджмент образовательных программ на основе применения принципов стандартизации

Contemporary higher education is characterized by the development of innovative teaching technologies. This process leads to the necessity of their systematization and classification. The transformation carried out at the high school meets the modern trends of the world scientific and technical progress development. Such innovative method as the audiovisual aids in teaching completes traditional educational process improving its effectiveness. Method of training projects is aimed at the development of students individual and group autonomy, it makes the students apply synthesis and analysis technique, and determine the methods and means of obtaining results. It is a multifunctional method of learning, teaching and training. Educational programs management in higher educational institutions is possible when applying the principle of consistency and optimizing the innovative teaching methods integration in educational process. When adopting modern teaching methods it is necessary to solve the problem of material and technical support of educational process. It is of great importance to develop standards for material and technical support of innovative educational programs in order to create a single harmonized educational space. The progress of information technologies will allow us to use the advantages of online learning, which will be based on the online lectures prepared by the leading Universities of the country. Higher educational institutions in such conditions will play a role of supporting and consulting centers. This form is more democratic, it allows us to vary the time of training however its application requires methodical, organizational and systemic preparation. Adopting innovative methods and technologies it should be followed the principle of total quality management involving the teaching staff in the process of the united team formation.
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