Сокращенный протокол ультразвукового дуплексного сканирования сонных артерий в оценке доклинического атеросклероза с целью уточнения сердечно-сосудистого риска

Aim. To develope and justify the use of the abbreviated protocol of ultrasound duplex scanning (DS) of the carotid arteries (CA) to detect atherosclerotic changes in the carotid system in various groups of cardiovascular risk and to reduce the time of DS, based on solving a “narrow” task — identifying an atheroma. Material and methods . Ultrasound CA examination was carried out in the department of ultrasound studying methods in National Medical Research Center of Cardiology. Forty three patients aged 32 to 81 years (mean 56±13 years) who are hospitalized in A. L. Myasnikov Institute of Clinical Cardiology Institute of Clinical Cardiology were examined. DS was performed with the use of the ultrasonic system “IU 22” (Philips) with a linear sensor with 3-9 MHz. Three types of DS protocol were used — standard protocol (with automatic measurement of intima-media thickness (IMT) of common carotid artery (CCA)), abbreviated protocol 2 (atheroma and IMT of CCA), abbreviated protocol 1 (atheroma). Results. The work showed a decrease in DS time when conducting a abbreviated protocol 2 by 32,1% or 1,5 times, a shortened protocol 1 — by 72,1% or approximately 3,5 times compared with the standard DS protocol, while the efficiency of atheroma detecting has not decreased. A decision-making algorithm has been developed on the basis of conducting an ultrasound SA examination using abbreviated protocols. Conclusion. The introduction of a abbreviated protocol of ultrasound DS will significantly reduce the time and increase the cost-effectiveness of early diagnosis of atherosclerosis.
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