The MEF Command Element: Vestige of Attrition Warfare, or Golden Child of Maneuver Warfare?

Abstract : The development of the current Marine Corps MEF Staff Structure occurred in an unsystematic manner. The use of "CORPS" Level Staffs in the Marine Corps began in World War II. Since then, the amphibious Corps HQ, Marine Amphibious Force Command Element and the Marine Expeditionary Force represent the only operational level HQS that have participated in major campaigns. In each instance, the Headquarters Staffs were either non-existent or inadequate at the beginning of the conflict. These staffs formed in and AD HOC way, leading to inefficient command and control, the MEF Staff in Desert Storm also overcame its initial organizational handicaps by quickly expanding in a Haphazard manner, this resulted in a staff organization that is inconsistent with current Marine Corps Command and Control Doctrine. The current MEF Staff organization is a reflection of the Desert Storm ERA MEF Staff. In order to remain an effective expeditionary force that can effectively command and control Joint "Corps" Level Operations, the Marine Corps must develop a higher level staff that is organized and operates on the principles found in it's doctrine prior to the start of a conflict or crisis.
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