Pertumbuhan dan produktivitas beberapa varietas unggul baru dan lokal padi rawa melalui pengelolaan tanaman terpadu di Sulawesi Tengah

Lestari S, Susilawati PN. 2015. Organoleptic test of wet noodles made from beneng taro flour (Xantoshoma undipes) in an effort to increase local value added food ingredients in Banten. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 941-946. In Banten Province, particularly in the Village of Tanjung Karang, Pandeglang there is a kind of taro that locals named as beneng taro (meaning great and yellow) (Xantoshoma undipes). The purpose of this study was to examine the organoleptic wet noodles made from wheat flour substitution of beneng taro and analyze the production feasibility of wet noodles beneng taro. The research design used a Completely Randomized Design with one treatment and five levels namely beneng taro flour substitution of 0%, 5%, 15%, 25% and 30%. Testing was conducted by 25 semi-trained panelists to organoleptic properties include a hedonic test for color, aroma, texture, stickiness, firmness and flavor in general and itching of the tongue, followed by calculation of the percentage of each category. Data was analyzed using ANOVA and if significantly different followed by DMRT. The results showed that by ignoring control samples A (100% wheat), for color, the most preferred samples was B sample (95% wheat: 5% beneng taro flour), for aroma was E sample (70% wheat: 30% beneng taro flour), for texture was B sample (95% wheat: 5% beneng taro flour), for stickiness was B sample (95% wheat: 5% beneng taro flour), for firmness was B sample (95% wheat: 5% beneng taro flour), for general flavor was B sample (95% wheat: 5% beneng taro flour). Panelists were also asked to assess the itching on the tongue. Itching scores were highest in E samples (70% wheat: 30% beneng taro flour). In addition of flour into dough of beneng wet noodle up to 30%, the flavor was generally considered neutral to like by the panelists. The B/C gross value for analysis wet noodle-making business with beneng taro substitution was 1.57 which indicated that the business was feasible or profitable.
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