How is the Football Schools Franchise Using a Valuable Approach to Revenue-Generating Capacity in Iranian Football Clubs?

Purpose: One of the intangible assets of clubs is the transfer of privileges, including licenses to establish football schools. The researcher aimed to identify and rank the factors affecting the power of the franchise assignment of clubs to develop football schools.Methodology: The research was conducted in a mixed-method in two parts. Including quantitative and qualitative. The research sample consisted of 11 experts aware of football and sports industry issues. The research tools included library studies, interviews, and researcher-made questionnaires with six indicators and 33 sub-criteria provided to the research samples. Data analysis was performed by AHP and ANP tests in Supers Decision software version 3.2.Findings: The results in AHP analysis showed that human resources, management, legal, software infrastructure, marketing, and economic indicators were the essential factors in enhancing the franchise power of clubs, respectively. Also, in ANP analysis, while determining the weight of sub-criteria and the relationships between the main criteria, the importance of human resources index, managerial expertise, marketing, software, legal and economic infrastructure were the factors influencing the promotion of club franchise power. Thus, human resources are considered the essential internal resource.Originality: Few studies have been done on franchise rights in sports, specifically football clubs. A few studies have been done on how football schools franchising increases clubs' income. And from a micro and macro perspective, it has addressed the issue of managing the transfer of exploitation rights.
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