Method and device for producing at least a component region of a component

The invention relates to a method for producing at least one metallic component region of a component (30), in particular a component of a turbomachine, comprising at least the following steps: a) layer-by-step application of at least one metallic material (22) on at least one building platform (12); b) Layer-by and local melting and / or sintering of the material (22) by supplying energy by means of at least one high-energy beam (16) in the region of assembly and joining zone (40) for forming at least a partial region of at least one device layer of the component region and / or the component (30); c) Layer-by-step lowering the build platform (12) to a predefined thickness; and d) repeating steps a) to c) until the completion of the component region and / or the component (30). In this case, before takes place during and / or after the layer-wise and local melting and / or sintering according to method step b) the formation of at least one other portion of the device layer by a local melting and / or sintering of the material (22) by induction heating at a temperature or / which lies in a temperature range above the solidus temperature of the metallic material used (22). The invention further relates to a system for manufacturing at least one component region of a component (30).
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