Avaliação de genótipos de milho para semeadura precoce sob influência de baixa temperatura

Corn (Zea mays L.) is a characteristic plant of tropical climates that requires heat and humidity to produce satisfactorily and to provide compensatory incomes. Several factors can compromise seed germination and plant emergence in the field, and it is important to consider sowing in soils with low temperatures. In regions where low temperature conditions predominate, the use of more tolerant seeds to this stress condition would be important. Corn seeds present genetic variability for germination at low temperatures. The objective of this study was to classify corn genotypes for germination at low soil temperatures. Sixteen 16 genotypes from the breeding corn program of the company KSP Sementes and Pesquisas Ltda. were evaluated, 10 lines at different endogamic stages, six cross pollination populations and three 3 single commercial hybrids, recommended for earlier sowing in southern Brazil. The physiological quality was evaluated by the tests of germination, first count of germination, plant growth, dry matter, shoot and root area AT 25°C and 10°C. The eletroforetic patterns of the isoenzimatic systems of the acid phosphatase, esterase and peroxydase were also evaluated. The tested materials could be ranked from the results for tolerance to low temperatures, showing that there is variability between them and the possibility of using the best performers in earlier sowings in southern Brazil.
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