Escritoras religiosas en la obra Bibliotheca Hispana Nova de Nicolás Antonio

espanolEn este trabajo, y a partir de la obra Bibliotheca Hispana Nova de Nicolas Antonio (1671), estudiaremos que escritoras religiosas aparecen vindicadas y cuales se mantuvieron olvidadas. Presentaremos que tematicas escribieron, quienes intervinieron en la publicacion de sus escritos y que funciones cumplieron estos en ese momento de la historia. Veremos que ordenes pusieron mas empeno en la publicacion de sus obras y sus razones. EnglishIn this work, in light of the Bibliotheca Hispana Nova by Nicolas Antonio (1672), we will study which writer nuns were vindicated and which were forgotten. We will present which themes they wrote about, who were involved in the publication of their writings and what functions they fulfilled at that moment in history. We will analyze what religious orders put more effort in the publication of these works and their reasons.
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