Computer-aided analysis of coal gasification pilot plant data bases

To aid in the organization, storage, and retrieval of the large volumes of process and environmental gasification data anticipated in the DOE environmental assessment program, Carnegie-Mellon University created the Computer-aided Effluent Analysis System or CEAS. CEAS was specifically designed to: provide easy storage/retrieval of effluent data and relevant process variables; permit compilation and continual updating of comprehensive listing of these data; permit routine computations and statistical analysis of specific effluent and process parameters; and allow comparison of effluent concentration, production and distribution across runs within a given process and across a range of processes. CEAS currently exists as a package of five separate computer programs on the IBM 360 at Carnegie-Mellon University. A more detailed description of this system and its operation is available as a manual. CEAS data input formating requires that all effluent sample analyses and corresponding process data be identified by the date and time of collection, stream location and stream type. Once all data are tabulated in this manner, routine computations can be performed. CEAS displays the effluent data first as water concentrations with corresponding process information, then calculates and presents net effluent production (mass flowrate) and normalized effluent production (lb/ton of coal). Sample means andmore » standard deviations and a sample count are also presented. The data printout format chronologically summarizes individual stream concentrations and production first, then compares all streams by run, and finally compares overall process production totals by run. The data manipulation capabilities are a powerful feature of CEAS.« less
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