FPANs clinical service program at Sunsari Branch.

Service statistics for 1987 to June 1988 from the Sunsari branch of the Family Planning Association of Nepal are updated. The clinic expanded its emphasis from family planning to include infertility investigation and treatment. Pathological services also are being provided for such examinations as stool urine and pregnancy tests and for semen analysis. Additionally the follow-up clinic services both the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) program in the wards and the poststerilization cases including those who were sterilized even 10 years ago. The MCH services included antenatal and postnatal care and immunizations. The Family Planning service compared with 1987 had an increase in users of condoms IUDs pills and male and female sterilizations; there was a decrease in users of Depo-Provera and foam tablets. Starting in 1988 counseling services are to be provided regularly in the clinic not just during the camps.
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