Adolescent Chronic Illness: A Qualitative Study of Psychosocial Adjustment

II/traduction: The pUlpose of this study was to investigate the psychosocial issues facing young people livillg with a chrollic medical cOllditioll. Materials and Methods: Subjects were young people with a rallge a/medical conditiolls who were all a lVaitillg list to participate ill the Chronic Illlless Peer Support programme at tlte Centre for Adolescellt Health, Royal Childrell's Hospital, Melbou1'lle, Australia. Youllg people agreed to ill-depth illlervielVs which were taped alld transcribed. Thematic allalysis was ulldertaken by two researchers working independently. Results: Thirty-five young people were interviewed. Thematic analysis revealed five broad themes: cOl/trol (in cOl/trol, IInder cOlltrol, out of control); emotiol/alreactiolls (happilless, frtlstratiol/, allger, sadness, allxiety); acceptallce (of illlless, of others, ofse/f); copillg strategies, alld; a searchforllleallil/g. The importallce of social conllectiolls was emphasised. While illustrating the difficulties of mal/aging a chronic medical conditioll during adolescel/ce, a generally positive message emerges about these young people. COllclusiolls: MallY young people with chronic illness appear relatively resilient ill theface of the adjustment challenges presented by their illlless. Illterventions that allow a youllg person to explore mea/ling, build self-esteem, and acceptance through positive social conllectiolls are likely to improve adjustmellt outcomes ill this grollp. Ann Acad Med Sillgapore 2003; 32:43-50
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