Exploration Driven by an Optimistic Bellman Equation

Exploring high-dimensional state spaces and finding sparse rewards are central problems in reinforcement learning. Exploration strategies are frequently either naive (e.g., simplistic-greedy or Boltzmann policies), intractable (i.e., full Bayesian treatment of reinforcement learning) or rely heavily on heuristics. The lack of a tractable but principled exploration approach unnecessarily complicates the application of reinforcement learning to a broader range of problems. Efficient exploration can be accomplished by relying on the uncertainty of the state-action value function. To obtain the uncertainty, we maintain an ensemble of value function estimates and present an optimistic Bellman equation (OBE) for such ensembles. This OBE is derived from a relative entropy maximization principle and yields an implicit exploration bonus resulting in improved exploration during action selection. The implied exploration bonus can be seen as a well-principled type of intrinsic motivation and exhibits favorable theoretical properties. OBE can be applied to a wide range of algorithms. We propose two algorithms as an application of the principle: Optimistic Q-learning and Optimistic DQN which outperform comparison methods on standard benchmarks.
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