Assessment of tomographic PIV in wall-bounded turbulence using direct numerical simulation data

Simulations of tomographic particle image velocimetry (Tomo-PIV) are performed using direct numerical simulation data of a channel flow at Reynolds number of Re τ = 934, to investigate the influence of experimental parameters such as camera position, seeding density, interrogation volume size and spatial resolution. The simulations employ camera modelling, a Mie scattering illumination model, lens distortion effects and calibration to realistically model a tomographic experiment. Results are presented for camera position and orientation in three-dimensional space, to obtain an optimal reconstruction quality. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis is performed on the accuracy of first and second order flow statistics, at various voxel sizes normalised using the viscous inner length scale. This enables the result to be used as a general reference for wall-bounded turbulent experiments. In addition, a ratio relating seeding density and the interrogation volume size is proposed to obtain an optimal reference value that remains constant. This can be used to determine the required seeding density concentration for a certain interrogation volume size.
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