Thermographic images from healthy knees between dogs with long and short hair

EnglishThe aim of this study was to investigate the influence of fur length in the evaluation of knees temperature in healthy dogs, using infrared thermography. This is a non-invasive diagnosis that is able to assess the microcirculation of the internal skin. Changes in temperature reflect from inflammatory reactions and vascular infarction to neurological disorders. Knees of 30 healthy dogs were analyzed, with up to 11 pounds of weight, screened by clinical examination and radiographic examination. Group A, consisting of 13 dogs with short fur, with 26 knees evaluated in total. Group B included animals with long fur, consisting of 17 animals, with 29 knees evaluated in total. The average temperatures of the cranial, lateral, caudal and medial sides of knees were analyzed. A significant difference between the groups was observed, with group A temperature being greater than the group B in all four analyzed faces. Comparing the temperatures of the faces in the contralateral limb, in both groups, the statistical analysis revealed no significant difference. In group A it was observed that temperatures in the cranial and lateral sides were similar, but different from the others. In group B, the statistical analysis showed the cranial lateral and caudal faces was similar, but differed from the medial side. The thermographic examination proved to be sensitive in the evaluation of temperature of small dogs’ knees;however, the length of the fur influenced the result. Key words: coat; knees; infrared thermography; imaging diagnosis portuguesO objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a influencia do comprimento do pelo na avaliacao da temperatura de joelhos de caes saudaveis, por meio do uso da termografia infravermelha. Trata-se de um exame de diagnostico por imagem, nao invasivo, capaz de avaliar a microcirculacao da pele. Foram analisados os joelhos de 30 caes saudaveis, com ate 11 quilos de peso, triados por meio de exame clinico e exame radiografico. O grupo A, formado por 13 caes de pelo curto, totalizou 26 joelhos avaliados. O grupo B foi formado por animais de pelo longo, totalizando 17 animais, contando com 29 joelhos avaliados. Foram analisadas as temperaturas medias nas faces cranial, lateral, caudal e medial dos joelhos. Observou-se diferenca significativa entre os grupos, a temperatura do grupo A foi maior que a de B nas quatro faces analisadas. Comparando as temperaturas das faces no membro contralateral, nos dois grupos, nao foi observado diferenca significativa. No grupo A observou-se que as temperaturas nas faces cranial e lateral foram semelhantes, mas diferiram das demais, sendo a medial mais quente e a caudal mais fria. No grupo B a analise estatistica mostrou as faces cranial, lateral e caudal semelhantes, entretanto diferiram da face medial, que apresentou a temperatura mais elevada. O exame termografico mostrou ser sensivel na avaliacao da temperatura do joelho de caes de pequeno porte, entretanto o comprimento dos pelos influi no resultado da avaliacao. Palavras-chave: pelagem; temperatura; termografia por infravermelho; diagnostico por imagem.
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