SCADET: a side-channel attack detection tool for tracking prime+probe

Microarchitectural side-channel attacks have posed serious threats to many computing systems, ranging from embedded systems and mobile devices to desktop workstations and cloud servers. Such attacks exploit side-channel vulnerabilities stemming from fundamental microarchitectural performance features, including the most common caches, out-of-order execution (for the newly revealed Meltdown exploit), and speculative execution (for Spectre). Prior efforts have focused on identifying and assessing these security vulnerabilities, and designing and implementing countermeasures against them. However, the efforts aiming at detecting specific side-channel attacks tend to be narrowly focused, which can make them effective but also makes them obsolete very quickly. In this paper, we propose a new methodology for detecting microarchitectural side-channel attacks that has the potential for a wide scope of applicability, as we demonstrate using a case study involving the Prime+Probe attack family. Instead of looking at the side-effects of side-channel attacks on microarchitectural elements such as hardware performance counters, we target the high-level semantics and invariant patterns of these attacks. We have applied our method to different Prime+Probe attack variants on the instruction cache, data cache, and last-level cache, as well as several benign programs as benchmarks. The method can detect all of the Prime+Probe attack variants with a true positive rate of 100% and an average false positive rate of 7.4%.
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