Activation of RelA by pppGpp as the Basis for Its Differential Toxicity Over ppGpp in Escherichia coli

The nucleotide derivatives (p)ppGpp, comprising ppGpp and pppGpp, are important signalling molecules that control various facets of gene regulation and protein synthesis in Escherichia coli. Their synthesis is catalysed by RelA (in response to amino acid limitation) and by SpoT (in response to the limitation of carbon source or fatty acids). SpoT is also a hydrolase for degradation of both ppGpp and pppGpp, while GppA catalyses the conversion of pppGpp to ppGpp. Here we provide evidence to show that pppGpp exerts heightened toxicity compared to that by ppGpp. Thus, gppA spoT double mutants exhibited lethality under conditions in which the single mutants were viable. The extent of RelA-catalysed (p)ppGpp accumulation in the gppA spoT strain was substantially greater than that in its isogenic gppA(+) derivative. The data is interpreted in terms of a model in which toxicity of pppGpp in the gppA spoT mutants is mediated by its activation of RelA so as to result in a vicious cycle of (p)ppGpp synthesis.
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