A Honvédelmi Minisztérium európai uniós forrásból megvalósuló fejlesztései a 2014–2020 közötti fejlesztési időszak első öt évében

The Government of Hungary pays great attention to the effective and efficient spending of development resources co-financed by the European Union and the Hungarian Central Budget. Contributing actively to the achievement of national development goals the Ministry of Defence focuses on the development of areas where EU funds create added values, contribute to the improvement of the working conditions of employees in a qualitative manner, contribute to the sustainable development, reduce the environmental impacts, with special regard to developments in energy efficiency, decontamination of environmental pollutions, disaster management, and disaster medicine. In the first five years of the 2014-2020 develop-ment period the Hungarian MoD began the spending of more than HUF 21 billion of the development funds in the above mentioned areas and this amount can be further increased.
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