Assessing the combined toxicity of carbamate mixtures as well as organophosphorus mixtures to Caenorhabditis elegans using the locomotion behaviors as endpoints.

Carbamate pesticides (CMs) and organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) have been widely used in agriculture and toxicologically affect non-target organisms. Although there are many reports about their toxicities, the combined behavioral toxicities of CM/OP mixtures on Caenorhabditis elegans have rarely been studied. In this study, body bend inhibition (BBI), head thrash inhibition (HTI), and swimming speed inhibition (SSI) by CMs and OPs were chosen as the toxicity endpoints. The locomotion behavioral toxicities of individual pesticides (carbofuran (CAR), methomyl (MET), chlorpyrifos (CPF), and triazophos (TAP)) and their binary mixtures on C. elegans were determined systematically and the toxicological interaction profiles of various CM/OP mixture rays constructed using the combination index. It was shown that four pesticides and their binary mixture rays have significant inhibitory effects on the locomotion behavior of C. elegans; that is, they produce locomotion behavioral toxicities and the toxicity of two OPs is higher than those of two CMs. The toxicological interactions in the binary CM and OP mixtures are different from each other. For example, one mixture ray (CAR-MET-R1) in the CM system on the SSI endpoint exhibits synergism at all concentration levels, another ray (CAR-MET-R3) displays low-dose synergism and high-dose additive action on BBI and HTI endpoints, and weak synergism at high-dose on SSI, and other rays perform additive action. Two rays (CPF-TAP-R1 and CPF-TAP-R2) in the OP mixture system display low-dose additive action and high-dose antagonism on the three endpoints. Another ray (CPF-TAP-R3) shows the additive action at all concentration levels. It can be concluded that it is not sufficient to evaluate the combined toxicity of binary CM/OP mixtures using only one concentration ratio ray and that it is necessary to examine multiple concentration ratios.
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