Management of pain in patients (PTS) receiving active therapy for cancer

19645 Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates suggest that moderate to severe pain is experienced by one- third of pts receiving active therapy for their disease and by 60–90% of patients with advanced disease. Procedures that make pain assessment and effective management strategies a routine part of every patient care are recommended. The aim of this study was to integrate nursing intervention with physician management of cronic cancer pain experienced by pts receiving active therapy for cancer. Methods: An Oncology Nurse measured pain in all patients (universal screening) presenting at the Day Hospital for active therapy. Pain was measured using a validated instrument: the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). The pain intensity VAS scale is a 10 cm line anchored on either end by the terms least possible pain and worst possible pain. In addition. the Memorial Pain Assessment Care (MPAC) that consists of 3 VAS scales that measure pain intensity, pain relief and mood and a set of pain severity desc...
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