Advancing the Care of Transgender Patients

Providing quality health care and ensuring the safety of transgender persons is a complex challenge for US jails and prisons. Transgender persons are more likely to experience sexual victimization during incarceration and thus warrant unique protections. Caring for transgender patients in the correctional setting is complicated by a rapidly evolving community standard of care and the prevalence of serious health conditions such as psychological distress, substance use disorders, and sexually transmitted infections. Meeting these challenges requires a multi-tiered approach. Jails and prisons must adopt sound public policies that provide safe and gender-affirming environments for incarcerated and detained transgender persons. Correctional health care for transgender patients must be evidence-based, patient-centered, and gender-affirming, while being cognizant of the developing legal landscape. Reentry efforts must address both the unique needs of transgender persons returning to the community and related public health concerns. These collective efforts should be a priority for US jails and prisons if we are to effectively address the health care needs and safety concerns faced daily by transgender persons behind bars.
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