An effect of mexidol on the level of corsticosteron in the blood serum and beam zone cells in rats with light desynhronizes and physical loads

Objective In order to develop methods and means of maintaining normal human functioning under conditions of desynchronizes, the effect of mexidol on the level of corticosterone in the blood serum and the state of the cells of the beam zone of the adrenal cortex of rats after light or dark deprivation and physical activity to a state of fatigue. Materials and methods The experiments were performed on 7 groups of rats (10 animals each) in the spring. The model of physical activity is the method of forced swimming of rats until exhaustion in its own modification. For the induction of experimental desynchronizes, the animals of the experimental groups were kept around the clock for 10 days with artificial bright light of 150 LX or a complete darkening of 2-3 LX. Mexidol was administered intramuscularly at a dose of 10 mg/kg animal 30 minutes before the swimming test. Control animals under similar conditions were administered 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The level of corticosterone in the serum was determined using enzyme immunoassay. The measurements were carried out on a programmable photometer for STAR FAX 303 PLUS microsamples (USA). Histological analysis of the adrenal glands was carried out according to standard methods. Microscopy of preparations, imaging and measurements were carried out using an Axio Lab A1 microscope, an AxioCamERc 5s camera and ZEN 2012 software («Carl Zeiss Microscopy», Germany). Statistical processing of the results was carried out using standard parametric and non-parametric methods, depending on the nature of the distributions. Results and conclusion Mexidol under combined successive stress loads - desynchronizes and physical activity - demonstrated anti-stress properties not only at the level of corticosterone in the blood serum of rats, but also at the level of adrenal glands. The severity of this effect of the drug depended on the number of stress loads (isolated physical or shown in conditions of desynchronizes), the phase of stress and the nature of deprivation. Under natural lighting conditions and after light deprivation, when animals were in the anxiety phase of varying severity, the drug worked more reliably than after dark deprivation in conditions of developing depletion. Nevertheless, even in the latter case, he showed himself as a means of preventing exhaustion in animals and the breakdown of adaptation.
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