Antioxidant contents of whole grain cereals, millets and their milled fractions.

The regional whole grain cereal and millet are good source of antioxidants like polyphenol, phytic acid and trace minerals (Zn, Cu, Mn). Polyphenol, phytic acid and trace minerals content varied among different regional cereals and milled fractions. The highest polyphenol content was found in brown ragi (653.53 mg/100g) and the lowest in foxtail millet (132.76 mg/100 g). The highest phytic acid content was observed in brown ragi (3.90 g/100g) and the lowest in little millet (1.49 g/ 100g). The highest Zn, Cu and Mn contents were observed in pearl millet, brown ragi and sorghum respectively. Processing of cereals as decorticated grains or semolina or flour reduced the antioxidant contents. Most of the antioxidants were concentrated in bran and per cent retention of antioxidants in milled fractions was influenced by method of milling. A significant reduction in polyphenol content was observed during milling. However, there was no significant reduction in phytic acid and contents and trace elements.
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